Research in analog integrated circuits has recently gone in the direction of low-voltage (LV), low-power (LP) design, especially in the environment of portable systems where a low supply voltage, given by a single-cell battery, is used. These LV circuits have to show a reduced power consumption to maintain a longer battery lifetime as well. In this area, traditional voltage-mode techniques are going to be substituted by the current-mode approach, which has the recognized advantage to overcome the gain-bandwidth product limitation, typical of operational amplifiers. Then they do not require...
Research in analog integrated circuits has recently gone in the direction of low-voltage (LV), low-power (LP) design, especially in the environment of...
Research in analog integrated circuits has recently gone in the direction of low-voltage (LV), low-power (LP) design, especially in the environment of portable systems where a low supply voltage, given by a single-cell battery, is used. These LV circuits have to show a reduced power consumption to maintain a longer battery lifetime as well. In this area, traditional voltage-mode techniques are going to be substituted by the current-mode approach, which has the recognized advantage to overcome the gain-bandwidth product limitation, typical of operational amplifiers. Then they do not require...
Research in analog integrated circuits has recently gone in the direction of low-voltage (LV), low-power (LP) design, especially in the environment of...
Analog CMOS Microelectronic Circuits describes novel approaches for analog electronic interfaces design, especially for resistive and capacitive sensors showing a wide variation range, with the intent to cover a lack of solutions in the literature. After an initial description of sensors and main definitions, novel electronic circuits, which do not require any initial calibrations, are described; they show both AC and DC excitation voltage for the employed sensor, and use both voltage-mode and current-mode approaches. The proposed interfaces can be realized both as prototype...
Analog CMOS Microelectronic Circuits describes novel approaches for analog electronic interfaces design, especially for resistive and capa...
Analog CMOS Microelectronic Circuits describes novel approaches for analog electronic interfaces design, especially for resistive and capacitive sensors showing a wide variation range, with the intent to cover a lack of solutions in the literature. After an initial description of sensors and main definitions, novel electronic circuits, which do not require any initial calibrations, are described; they show both AC and DC excitation voltage for the employed sensor, and use both voltage-mode and current-mode approaches. The proposed interfaces can be realized both as prototype...
Analog CMOS Microelectronic Circuits describes novel approaches for analog electronic interfaces design, especially for resistive and capa...