Although statistics have been used by geologists for many years, only recently has the subject received the attention needed and deserved. Geologists and other earth scientists have a use for summary statistics of large data bases, knowledge of frequency distributions, understanding of sampling designs and problems, and ap- plication of stochastic models, but in general they are unaware of the many aspects of help available through the statistician. It seemed warranted at this time to get the two disciplines together and to find a common meeting ground for further collaboration. Thus the...
Although statistics have been used by geologists for many years, only recently has the subject received the attention needed and deserved. Geologists ...
This volume reports the results of a symposium held in Heidelberg during the International Sedimentological Congress in late August and early September, 1971. The symposium, co- sponsored by the International Association for Mathematical Geology, entertained the subject, "Mathematical Models of Sedimentary Processes. " The subject is most appropriate because sedimentologists have long been concerned with processes and mechanisms of sedi- ment dispersal. Much effort has gone into building physical models such as flumes, stream tables, wave tanks, wind tunnels, etc., to help understand...
This volume reports the results of a symposium held in Heidelberg during the International Sedimentological Congress in late August and early Septembe...