"Logic," one of the central words in Western intellectual history, compre- hends in its meaning such diverse things as the Aristotelian syllogistic, the scholastic art of disputation, the transcendental logic of the Kantian critique, the dialectical logic of Hegel, and the mathematical logic of the Principia Mathematica of Whitehead and Russell. The term "Formal Logic," following Kant is generally used to distinguish formal logical reasonings, precisely as formal, from the remaining universal truths based on reason. (Cf. SCHOLZ, 1931). A text-book example of a formal-logical inference which...
"Logic," one of the central words in Western intellectual history, compre- hends in its meaning such diverse things as the Aristotelian syllogistic, t...
"Logic," one of the central words in Western intellectual history, compre hends in its meaning such diverse things as the Aristotelian syllogistic, the scholastic art of disputation, the transcendental logic of the Kantian critique, the dialectical logic of Hegel, and the mathematical logic of the Principia Mathematica of Whitehead and Russell. The term "Formal Logic," following Kant is generally used to distinguish formal logical reasonings, precisely as formal, from the remaining universal truths based on reason. (Cf. SCHOLZ, 1931). A text-book example of a formal-logical inference which...
"Logic," one of the central words in Western intellectual history, compre hends in its meaning such diverse things as the Aristotelian syllogistic, th...
Wer gegenwiirtig nach der Geschichte unseres wissenschaft lichen Denkens fragt, geriit bald in mancherlei Zwiespalt. Ja, ungekliirt Zwiespiiltiges mag ihn schon zum Fragen gedrangt haben. Der Triumph des Fortschritts der Naturwissenschaften ist noch tiberall zu vernehmen; untiberhorbar - zumal in Europa - dringt aber unheilvolles Klagen tiber die alles verschlingende Technik dazwischen. In eigenartiger Entsprechung hierzu hat das historische BewuBtsein unaufhaltsam von unserem Denken Besitz ergriffen. Kunst, Religion und Moral, alles ist historisch relativiert, die Geschichtsbetrachtung...
Wer gegenwiirtig nach der Geschichte unseres wissenschaft lichen Denkens fragt, geriit bald in mancherlei Zwiespalt. Ja, ungekliirt Zwiespiiltiges mag...