This Symposium was held at Surfer's Paradise, Queensland, Australia, from 7 to 11 September 1973. The Organizing Committee, chaired by J. P. Wild, consisted of A. Boischot, A. Bruzek, J. T. Jefferies, G. Newkirk, T. Takakura, and V. V. Zhelez nyakov. We are indebted to the Local Organizing Commettee, chaired by S. F. Smerd and including R. G. Giovanelli, R. E. Loughhead, N. G. Seddon, K. V. Sheridan, and J. P. Wild, for advice in preparing this volume as well as for the smooth arrangement of the sessions. In addition, the session chairmen and reporters are to be thanked for their assistance...
This Symposium was held at Surfer's Paradise, Queensland, Australia, from 7 to 11 September 1973. The Organizing Committee, chaired by J. P. Wild, con...