The "shoulder-hand syndrome" or pain in the shoulder or arm is an extremely vital subject for the multi-disciplinary approach and usually re- quires more than one speciality for complete evaluation. The proceedings of this symposium - organized by the department of general surgery of the University of Limburg - cover the field thoroughly with contributions from outstanding specialists from all over the world. Rheumatological, neuro- surgical, orthopedic, and traumatological aspects are covered. Vascular surgeons considering both venous and arterial problems entwine with thoracic surgeons to...
The "shoulder-hand syndrome" or pain in the shoulder or arm is an extremely vital subject for the multi-disciplinary approach and usually re- quires m...
J. E. Fischer, M.D. Professor Greep, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure for me and the participants to be present at this International Meeting of Parenteral Nutri tion. This meeting would not have been possible five years ago. At that time we were still arguing about central vs. peripheral routes, efficacy of the tech nique, and still getting accustomed to our ability to support patients nutri tionally. Within the last five years these discussions, which seem almost futile in retrospect, have been put aside. Both techniques, we know how, work quite well and have their own...
J. E. Fischer, M.D. Professor Greep, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure for me and the participants to be present at this International Meet...