A central problem in engineering is the deformation of structures. These may be structures made of metal, from concrete or other buildingmaterials,orfrom soilforexample. Generallyspeaking, the engineerrequiresthedeformationofastructuretoberelativelysmall, predictable, tolerable and non-damaging. Professor Jean Mandel devotedalargepartofhisprofessionalcareertostudiesofdeforma- tionandhewassuccessfulinidentifyingprinciplesandproceduresof wideapplicability.Accordingly,itisveryappropriatetobringtogether as we dointhis volume papers by world authorities concerned with...
A central problem in engineering is the deformation of structures. These may be structures made of metal, from concrete or other buildingmaterials,orf...
The scientific work of Jean Mandel has been exceptionally rich in the area of the mechanics of solids; the subjects which he has treated have been extremely diverse, from the theory of plasticity, buckling, soil mechanics, visco-elasticity, the theory of reduced models, and thermo dynamics, to percolation in porous media. But throughout this com prehensive work Jean Mandel has always maintained his interest in forming connections between the properties of materials (strength, deformability, viscosity) and the properties of their basic constituents. What is sometimes referred to in materials...
The scientific work of Jean Mandel has been exceptionally rich in the area of the mechanics of solids; the subjects which he has treated have been ext...