ThisvolumerepresentstheproceedingsofaNATOAdvancedResearchWorkShop(ARW) on the topic of "Sensorimotor Impairment in the Elderly" held at the Residenz Hotel, Bad Windsheim, Germany, September 11-13, 1992. The Residenz Hotel provided a pleasarit setting for the ARW in a historic environment. ' The motivation of this ARW was to provide some coherence to the widely scattered literature on motorimpairmentsin the elderly by bringing together, for atwo day workshop, many of the prominent individuals who are doing much of the contemporary research on sensorimotor aging. Our hope was to advance...
ThisvolumerepresentstheproceedingsofaNATOAdvancedResearchWorkShop(ARW) on the topic of "Sensorimotor Impairment in the Elderly" held at the Residenz H...