Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Conservation Laws presents a systematization of different models in mathematical physics, a study of the structure of conservation laws, thermodynamical identities, and connection with criteria for well-posedness of the corresponding mathematical problems. The theory presented in this book stems from research carried out by the authors concerning the formulations of differential equations describing explosive deformations of metals. In such processes, elasticity equations are used in some zones, whereas hydrodynamics equations are...
Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Conservation Laws presents a systematization of different models in mathematical physics, a study...
There exists a vast literature on numerical methods of linear algebra. In our bibliography list, which is by far not complete, we included some monographs on the subject 46], 15], 32], 39], 11], 21]. The present book is devoted to the theory of algorithms for a single problem of linear algebra, namely, for the problem of solving systems of linear equations with non-full-rank matrix of coefficients. The solution of this problem splits into many steps, the detailed discussion of which are interest ing problems on their own (bidiagonalization of matrices, computation of singular values and...
There exists a vast literature on numerical methods of linear algebra. In our bibliography list, which is by far not complete, we included some monogr...