Wir verstehen Natur nach wie vor in Abgrenzung zu Nicht-NatUrlichem (z.B. Kultur, Technik), wie sie schon Aristoteles und Descartes definierten. Schiemann verteidigt die AktualitAt dieser traditionellen VerstAndnisweisen, argumentiert aber, dass sie sich nur noch innerhalb begrenzter Kontexte als gUltig erweisen. AbhAngig vom jeweiligen Zusammenhang verwenden wir mehrere gleichzeitig gUltige Begriffe der Natur.
Wir verstehen Natur nach wie vor in Abgrenzung zu Nicht-NatUrlichem (z.B. Kultur, Technik), wie sie schon Aristoteles und Descartes definierten. Schie...
Naturwissenschaftler und Philosophen haben im Lauf der Wissenschaftsgeschichte unterschiedliche Auffassungen vom Hypothesencharakter empirischer Theorien entwickelt. Der Band widmet sich drei verschiedenen Epochen, in denen der Erkenntnisoptimismus erfolgreicher Wissenschaftspraxis auf ein wachsendes Bewusstsein der Grenzen naturwissenschaftlicher Einsicht trifft: der Fruhen Neuzeit (Kopernikus, Kepler, Bacon, Galilei, Descartes, Boyle, Newton, Locke, mit einem Ruckblick auf die mittelalterlichen Autoren Maimonides und Gersonides), dem mechanistischen Weltbild des 19. Jahrhunderts...
Naturwissenschaftler und Philosophen haben im Lauf der Wissenschaftsgeschichte unterschiedliche Auffassungen vom Hypothesencharakter empirischer Th...
Focusing on Hermann von Helmholtz, this study addresses one of the nineteenth century's most important German natural scientists. Among his most well-known contributions to science are the invention of the ophthalmoscope and grou- breaking work towards formulating the law of the conservation of energy. The volume of his work, reaching from medicine to physiology to physics and epis- mology, his impact on the development of the sciences far beyond German borders, and the contribution he made to the organization and popularization of research, all established Helmholtz's prominence both in the...
Focusing on Hermann von Helmholtz, this study addresses one of the nineteenth century's most important German natural scientists. Among his most well-...
Advancements in computing, instrumentation, robotics, digital imaging, and simulation modeling have changed science into a technology-driven institution. Government, industry, and society increasingly exert their influence over science, raising questions of values and objectivity. These and other profound changes have led many to speculate that we are in the midst of an epochal break in scientific history. This edited volume presents an in-depth examination of these issues from philosophical, historical, social, and cultural perspectives. It offers arguments both for and against the...
Advancements in computing, instrumentation, robotics, digital imaging, and simulation modeling have changed science into a technology-driven instit...
This contributed volume is the result of a July 2010 workshop at the University of Wuppertal Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Studies which brought together world-wide experts from physics, philosophy and history, in order to address a set of questions first posed in the 1950s: How do we compare spacetime theories? How do we judge, objectively, which is the "best" theory? Is there even a unique answer to this question?
The goal of the workshop, and of this book, is to contribute to the development of a meta-theory of spacetime theories. Such a meta-theory would...
This contributed volume is the result of a July 2010 workshop at the University of Wuppertal Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology St...