As the twenty-first century begins, the world approaches a Learning- or Knowledge-based Society, thus creating a new -era- of humankind. The Learning Society does not merely herald a new -era- or -epoch, - it signals a -transformation- in a global dimension. However, never before in history have so many wars and so much violence inundated the world. However? The world approaching a new era of humankind governed by knowledge and ruled by wisdom, and at the same time drowning in wars and violence and celebrating a renaissance of religions do these go together? They do."
As the twenty-first century begins, the world approaches a Learning- or Knowledge-based Society, thus creating a new -era- of humankind. The Learning ...
The European citizen is neither a subject nor an object in the discourses about the project -Europe.- Instead, the question of how to construct Europe and who European citizens are has become a topic for EU-experts, among whom European citizens are not counted. This book cannot provide a platform for a discourse among European citizens about their view on the project -Europe.- It does, however, provide some insights for European citizens about who Europeans are -supposed- to be, concluded from the discourses of all those European -expertocrats.-"
The European citizen is neither a subject nor an object in the discourses about the project -Europe.- Instead, the question of how to construct Europe...