We Wait for You chronicles the lives of average citizens in Post-Ceausescu Romania. Annabelle Townson, an American Peace Corps volunteer in Romania from 2001-2003, offers a fascinating personal account of the aftermath of the fall of Communism.
We Wait for You chronicles the lives of average citizens in Post-Ceausescu Romania. Annabelle Townson, an American Peace Corps volunteer in Romania fr...
Forty-eight Americans fired with anticipation, free flowing adrenaline and serious anxiety, ranging in age from twenty-three to eighty two, touched down from Dulles Airport, Washington, D.C., in Bucharest, Otopeni Airport on June 16, 2001. We had volunteered to become United States Peace Corps volunteers in Romania for a two-year commitment. Our frazzled group was immediately bused to the city of Ploiesti, Prahova County, in south central Romania for language and cross-cultural training. We would be "trainees" for ten weeks and become "volunteers" upon completion. Who is to know, after weeks...
Forty-eight Americans fired with anticipation, free flowing adrenaline and serious anxiety, ranging in age from twenty-three to eighty two, touched do...