This unique and timely book follows the experiences of four Arabic teenagers, their families and their community, focusing on the role of literacy in their daily lives and the differences between home and school. The author looks at the conflict between expectations and practices at school and in the home, arguing that problems are inevitable where class and cultural differences exist.
Emerging themes include:
how literacy practices in the community are undergoing rapid change due to global developments in technology
how the patterns of written and spoken...
This unique and timely book follows the experiences of four Arabic teenagers, their families and their community, focusing on the role of literacy ...
Although there is an extensive literature on the teaching of English as a Second or Other Language, there is very little published research on the teaching or learning of Chinese in similar contexts. This book is the first to bring together research into the teaching and learning of Chinese as a foreign language to non-native speakers, as a second language to minority groups and as a heritage/community language in the diaspora. The volume showcases the contribution of researchers working in such areas as language teaching and learning, policy development, language assessment, language...
Although there is an extensive literature on the teaching of English as a Second or Other Language, there is very little published research on the tea...
Although there is an extensive literature on the teaching of English as a Second or Other Language, there is very little published research on the teaching or learning of Chinese in similar contexts. This book is the first to bring together research into the teaching and learning of Chinese as a foreign language to non-native speakers, as a second language to minority groups and as a heritage/community language in the diaspora.The volume showcases the contribution of researchers working in such areas as language teaching and learning, policy development, language assessment, language...
Although there is an extensive literature on the teaching of English as a Second or Other Language, there is very little published research on the ...
In this book the author uses the methodology of the New Literacy Studies to closely examine the literacy practices in both home and school domains of Arabic speaking teenagers in Sydney, Australia.
In this book the author uses the methodology of the New Literacy Studies to closely examine the literacy practices in both home and school domains of ...
The series contributes to the development of promising new approaches to the sociolinguistic, sociohistorical and linguistic anthropological study of social issues that centrally involve language. In particular, while still addressing the fundamental insights gleaned from variationist studies, foremost among which is the open-ended, heterogeneous nature of human language in all its varieties, it focuses on new, data-driven methodologies, quantitative and qualitative, in the social and cultural study of language that go beyond the more traditional concerns of sociolinguistics (for example,...
The series contributes to the development of promising new approaches to the sociolinguistic, sociohistorical and linguistic anthropological study ...