"Visions of the Emerald City" is an absorbing historical analysis of how Mexicans living in Oaxaca City experienced "modernity" during the lengthy "Order and Progress" dictatorship of Porfirio DIaz (1876-1911). Renowned as the Emerald City (for its many buildings made of green cantera stone), Oaxaca City was not only the economic, political, and cultural capital of the state of Oaxaca but also a vital commercial hub for all of southern Mexico. As such, it was a showcase for many of DIaz's modernizing and state-building projects. Drawing on in-depth research in archives in Oaxaca, Mexico City,...
"Visions of the Emerald City" is an absorbing historical analysis of how Mexicans living in Oaxaca City experienced "modernity" during the lengthy "Or...
"Visions of the Emerald City" is an absorbing historical analysis of how Mexicans living in Oaxaca City experienced "modernity" during the lengthy "Order and Progress" dictatorship of Porfirio DIaz (1876-1911). Renowned as the Emerald City (for its many buildings made of green cantera stone), Oaxaca City was not only the economic, political, and cultural capital of the state of Oaxaca but also a vital commercial hub for all of southern Mexico. As such, it was a showcase for many of DIaz's modernizing and state-building projects. Drawing on in-depth research in archives in Oaxaca, Mexico City,...
"Visions of the Emerald City" is an absorbing historical analysis of how Mexicans living in Oaxaca City experienced "modernity" during the lengthy "Or...
Providing a comprehensive and up-to-date historical overview of Mexican migration to the U.S., Beyond la Frontera: The History of Mexico-U.S. Migration examines the transnational and historical impact of migratory trends as they developed in Mexico and the U.S. from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. Featuring essays by leading authors in the field, the book utilizes both a chronological and thematic structure, referencing mutually influential periods in Mexican and Mexican-American history. Taking into consideration the bi-national historical factors and narrative...
Providing a comprehensive and up-to-date historical overview of Mexican migration to the U.S., Beyond la Frontera: The History of Mexico-U.S. Migr...
Global Latin(o) Americanos addresses and reframes a central issue of our time: the challenge of incorporating immigrants into Western societies and economies, which too often frame immigrants as "the problem." How Latino immigrants respond and exercise agency under familiar and unfamiliar global conditions is of critical importance on several fronts, including the health of democratic societies and the diverse expressions of citizenship across the Latino diaspora. Building on the scholarship of new migratory destinations of people from Latin America and the Caribbean, Global...
Global Latin(o) Americanos addresses and reframes a central issue of our time: the challenge of incorporating immigrants into Western societi...