Clergyman, schoolmaster and writer on aesthetics, William Gilpin (1724 1804) is best known for his works on the picturesque. In his Essay on Prints, published in 1768 and reissued in this series, he defined picturesque as 'a term expressive of that peculiar kind of beauty, which is agreeable in a picture'. First published in 1809, the present work is one of a series which records his reflections on the picturesque across British landscapes. It traces two journeys he made equipped with notebook and sketching materials: the first in 1769 across East Anglia, and the second in 1773 from Anglesey...
Clergyman, schoolmaster and writer on aesthetics, William Gilpin (1724 1804) is best known for his works on the picturesque. In his Essay on Prints, p...
"A Dialogue upon the Gardens" from William Gilpin. Artist, Anglican cleric, schoolmaster and author, best known as one of the originators of the idea of the picturesque (1724-1804).
"A Dialogue upon the Gardens" from William Gilpin. Artist, Anglican cleric, schoolmaster and author, best known as one of the originators of the idea ...