Los temas contienen La persona de Cristo: incluyendo su nacimiento virginal, que unio su plena deidad y humanidad en una persona, mientras que permitio que Cristo heredara humanidad, sin el pecado heredado, y la encarnacion, la accion de Dios Hijo por la que tomo naturaleza humana; La Expiacion: la obra que Cristo hizo en su vida y en su muerte para ganar nuestra salvacion; y la Resurreccion y Ascension: afirmando la bondad de la creacion original divina del hombre como creatura, con un cuerpo fisico, que fue muy bueno, y el lugar legitimo de Cristo en la gloria y honor que no habian sido...
Los temas contienen La persona de Cristo: incluyendo su nacimiento virginal, que unio su plena deidad y humanidad en una persona, mientras que permiti...
Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting as a Christian: The Social Issues begins with the assumption that God intended the Bible to give guidance to every area of life--including how governments should function. Derived from author Wayne Grudem's magisterial Politics--According to the Bible, this book highlights those social issues that have dominated political debate recently. Throughout, author Wayne Grudem supports political positions that would be called more "conservative" than "liberal." However, "it...
Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting as a Christian: The Soci...
Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting by the Bible: The Economic and Foreign Policy Issues begins with the assumption that God intended the Bible to give guidance to every area of life--including how governments should function. Derived from author Wayne Grudem's magisterial Politics--According to the Bible, this book highlights those economic and foreign-policy issues that have dominated political debate recently. Throughout, author Wayne Grudem supports political positions that would be...
Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting by the Bible: The Ec...
The Bible is the most important book in the world. But questions like these puzzle believers and unbelievers alike. Editors and scholars Wayne Grudem, C. John Collins, and Thomas Schreiner recognize the challenge we all face and offer this volume to help us properly understand the Bible.
Covering a diverse range of essential subjects, including how to read the Bible well and why it is reliable, these eighteen...
Con una escritura clara, un enfoque contemporaneo y enfatizando como el cristiano de hoy debe entender y aplicar cada doctrina, Futuro explora el cumplimiento de la Escritura: la Segunda Venida de Cristo. Sus temas incluyen los conceptos principales sobre el Milenio: el amilenarismo, segun el cual el Reino de Cristo ya esta aqui; el postmilenarismo, segun el cual Cristo volvera despues del Milenio, y el premilenarismo, segun el cual Cristo volvera antes del Milenio. Cualquiera que sea el punto de vista del lector, el resultado final de todo esta claro: Cristo volvera de manera fisica,...
Con una escritura clara, un enfoque contemporaneo y enfatizando como el cristiano de hoy debe entender y aplicar cada doctrina, Futuro explora el cump...
La obra Biblia, mostrando con claridad las bases biblicas de cada doctrina; lo que nos ensena la Biblia hoy acerca de los diferentes temas del cristianismo, y manteniendo al minimo el uso de terminos tecnicos, nos hace ver como debemos comprender y aplicar a la vida cada una de esas doctrinas. Es un libro de lectura obligada para comprender los pasajes mas destacados de las Escrituras, su Canon, el hecho de que toda la Biblia es la Palabra de Dios, y que sus ensenanzas fueron escritas para ser entendidas, la necesidad de las Escrituras y su suficiencia: contienen todo lo que Dios ha...
La obra Biblia, mostrando con claridad las bases biblicas de cada doctrina; lo que nos ensena la Biblia hoy acerca de los diferentes temas del cristia...
What does the Bible really teach about the roles of men and women? Bible scholar Wayne Grudem carefully draws on 27 years of biblical research as he responds to 118 arguments often levied against traditional gender roles. Grudem counters egalitarian and feminist critiques with clarity, compassion, and precision, showing God's equal value for men and women while celebrating the beauty in their differences.
What does the Bible really teach about the roles of men and women? Bible scholar Wayne Grudem carefully draws on 27 years of biblical research as h...
The whole world has a stake in the war against poverty and leaders across the globe are looking for a permanent solution. That's why economist Barry Asmus and theologian Wayne Grudem have teamed up to outline a robust proposal for fighting poverty on a national level. These two experts believe the solution lies in a comprehensive development plan that integrates the principles of a free market system with the Bible's teachings on social ethics. Speaking to the importance of personal freedom, the rule of law, private property, moral virtue, and education, this book offers a clear path for...
The whole world has a stake in the war against poverty and leaders across the globe are looking for a permanent solution. That's why economist Barr...
El afamado autor Wayne Grudem, con una redaccion clara que reduce al minimo la cantidad de terminos tecnicos y adopta un enfoque contemporaneo, destaca la forma en que cada doctrina debe ser comprendida y aplicada por los cristianos del presente. El tomo titulado Como entender la Iglesia estudia la comunidad formada por todos los verdaderos creyentes de todos los tiempos: la Iglesia. Entre sus temas principales se estudian la Iglesia invisible, que es la Iglesia tal como Dios la ve; la Iglesia visible, que es la Iglesia tal como la ven los cristianos en la tierra; la pureza de la iglesia, su...
El afamado autor Wayne Grudem, con una redaccion clara que reduce al minimo la cantidad de terminos tecnicos y adopta un enfoque contemporaneo, destac...
Must the gospel message include a call for people to repent of their sins? "No," say Free Grace advocates. Is evidence of a changed life an important indication of whether a person is truly born again? "No, again," these advocates say.
But in this book, Wayne Grudem shows how the Bible answers "Yes" to both of these questions, arguing that the Free Grace movement contradicts both historic Protestant teaching and the New Testament itself.
This important book explains the true nature of the Christian gospel and answers the question asked by so many people: "How can I know that...
Must the gospel message include a call for people to repent of their sins? "No," say Free Grace advocates. Is evidence of a changed life an importa...