Souvarof, en reprimant une insurrection de la Pologne, a mis a sac le chateau du comte Ogiski et massacre sa femme et ses enfants, sauf le petit Ivanowitch, qui est sauve et recueilli par la cantiniere Atwine. La bonne femme, qui le croit orphelin, l'emmene avec elle dans les fourgons de Souvarof. Ogiski, rentrant dans sa maison incendiee, jure de se venger... La Guerre devait etre une piece a grand spectacle pour le Chatelet. Le directeur de ce theatre trouva le drame trop long, trop reel, trop historique et peut-etre surtout trop couteux a mettre en scene..."
Souvarof, en reprimant une insurrection de la Pologne, a mis a sac le chateau du comte Ogiski et massacre sa femme et ses enfants, sauf le petit Ivano...
" Lorsque j'etais employe au canal de Suez, en 1865 et les annees suivantes, me dit mon ami Goguel, j'avais l'habitude de me lever une ou deux heures avant le travail, pour respirer la fraicheur du matin et voir si tout etait en ordre dans nos environs. Le campement du Serapeum, - ou se trouvaient nos chantiers, - situe sur l'emplacement de l'antique temple de Serapis ruine depuis deux mille ans, se composait alors de cinq maisonnettes recou-vertes de beton, de la cantine, grande baraque en briques, d'une vingtaine d'autres baraques plus petites, pour loger les ouvriers, et du village arabe,...
" Lorsque j'etais employe au canal de Suez, en 1865 et les annees suivantes, me dit mon ami Goguel, j'avais l'habitude de me lever une ou deux heures ...
Erckmann-Chatrian was the name used by French authors Emile Erckmann (1822-1899) and Alexandre Chatrian (1826-1890), nearly all of whose works were jointly written. Both Erckmann and Chatrian were born in the departement of Moselle, in the Lorraine region in the extreme north-east of France. They specialised in military fiction and ghost stories in a rustic mode, applying to the Vosges mountain range and the Alsace-Lorraine region techniques inspired by story-tellers from the Black Forest. Lifelong friends who first met in the spring of 1847, they finally quarreled during the mid-1880s,...
Erckmann-Chatrian was the name used by French authors Emile Erckmann (1822-1899) and Alexandre Chatrian (1826-1890), nearly all of whose works were...
Erckmann-Chatrian was the name used by French authors Emile Erckmann (1822-1899) and Alexandre Chatrian (1826-1890), nearly all of whose works were jointly written. Both Erckmann and Chatrian were born in the departement of Moselle, in the Lorraine region in the extreme north-east of France. They specialised in military fiction and ghost stories in a rustic mode, applying to the Vosges mountain range and the Alsace-Lorraine region techniques inspired by story-tellers from the Black Forest. Lifelong friends who first met in the spring of 1847, they finally quarreled during the mid-1880s,...
Erckmann-Chatrian was the name used by French authors Emile Erckmann (1822-1899) and Alexandre Chatrian (1826-1890), nearly all of whose works were...
Erckmann-Chatrian was the name used by French authors Emile Erckmann (1822-1899) and Alexandre Chatrian (1826-1890), nearly all of whose works were jointly written. Both Erckmann and Chatrian were born in the departement of Moselle, in the Lorraine region in the extreme north-east of France. They specialised in military fiction and ghost stories in a rustic mode, applying to the Vosges mountain range and the Alsace-Lorraine region techniques inspired by story-tellers from the Black Forest. Lifelong friends who first met in the spring of 1847, they finally quarreled during the mid-1880s,...
Erckmann-Chatrian was the name used by French authors Emile Erckmann (1822-1899) and Alexandre Chatrian (1826-1890), nearly all of whose works were...