How to avoid disease, how to breed successfully, and how to live to a reasonable age are questions that have perplexed humankind throughout history. This book explores our progress in understanding these challenges, and the risks and rewards of devising solutions. A broad range of topics are covered, including reproduction, the development of human progeny from conception to adulthood, staying healthy, ageing, cancer, infection and the burden of our genetic legacy.
How to avoid disease, how to breed successfully, and how to live to a reasonable age are questions that have perplexed humankind throughout history. T...
Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ is an important work of late medieval English vernacular theology, and is made available here in a modern paperback "Reading Text" edition, complete with a short Introduction, explanatory notes and glossary, followed by a longer hardback: the "Full Critical Edition."
The critical edition is not merely a revision of Michael Sargent's 1992 Garland best-text edition, now out of print, but a new and completely critical edition that uses the Garland volume only as its starting-point. Although based on the same manuscript, and...
Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ is an important work of late medieval English vernacular theology, and is made available he...
-All those concerned with the contribution of monasticism to the devotional life of the external world will find much to inform and stimulate them among these papers.- JOURNAL OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY Essays on the life of Hugh of Avalon, on the relationship between the hermitic Carthusian vocation and the outside world; on the reflection of the world in religious literature; and on the transmission of mystical and devotional ideals and writings for a secular audience.
-All those concerned with the contribution of monasticism to the devotional life of the external world will find much to inform and stimulate them amo...