"W. G. Sebald exemplified the best kind of cosmopolitan literary intelligence-humane, digressive, deeply erudite, unassuming and tinged with melancholy. . . . In Campo Santo] Sebald reveals his distinctive tone, as his winding sentences gradually mingle together curiosity and plangency, learning and self-revelation. . . . Readers will] be rewarded with unexpected illuminations." -The Washington Post Book World This final collection of essays by W. G. Sebald offers profound ruminations on many themes common to his work-the power of memory and personal history, the connections between...
"W. G. Sebald exemplified the best kind of cosmopolitan literary intelligence-humane, digressive, deeply erudite, unassuming and tinged with melanchol...
The novelist, poet, and essayist W. G. Sebald (1944 - 2001) was perhaps the most original German writer of the last decade of the 20th century ("Die Ausgewanderten," "Austerlitz," "Luftkrieg und Literatur"). His writing is marked by a unique 'hybridity' that combines characteristics of travelogue, cultural criticism, crime story, historical essay, and dream diary, among other genres. He employs layers of literary and motion picture allusions that contribute to a sometimes enigmatic, sometimes intimately familiar mood; his dominant mode is melancholy. The contributions of this anthology...
The novelist, poet, and essayist W. G. Sebald (1944 - 2001) was perhaps the most original German writer of the last decade of the 20th century ("Di...
A publishing landmark--the first major collection of poems by one of the late twentieth century's literary masters German-born W. G. Sebald is best known as the innovative author of "Austerlitz, "the prose classic of World War II culpability and conscience that "The Guardian" called "a new literary form, part hybrid novel, part memoir, part travelogue." Its publication put Sebald in the company of Nabokov, Calvino, and Borges. Yet Sebald's brilliance as a poet has been largely unacknowledged--until now. Skillfully translated by Iain Galbraith, the nearly one hundred poems in "Across...
A publishing landmark--the first major collection of poems by one of the late twentieth century's literary masters German-born W. G. Sebald is bes...
W. G. Sebald wandert durch die einsame Heidelandschaft der englischen Grafschaft Suffolk und stößt immer wieder auf die Spuren wundersamer Geschichten.
W. G. Sebald wandert durch die einsame Heidelandschaft der englischen Grafschaft Suffolk und stößt immer wieder auf die Spuren wundersamer Geschicht...
Ein hochpoetisches Sprachkunstwerk von W. G. Sebald über die Lebensläufe dreier Männer, die den Konflikt zwischen Mensch und Natur auf jeweils eigene Weise empfunden haben.
Ein hochpoetisches Sprachkunstwerk von W. G. Sebald über die Lebensläufe dreier Männer, die den Konflikt zwischen Mensch und Natur auf jeweils eige...
Vintage Voyages: A world of journeys, from the tallest mountains to the depths of the mindWhat begins as the record of a journey on foot through coastal East Anglia becomes the great, constellated story of people and cultures past and present: of Chateaubriand, Thomas Browne, Swinburne and Conrad, of fishing fleets, skulls and silkworms.
Vintage Voyages: A world of journeys, from the tallest mountains to the depths of the mindWhat begins as the record of a journey on foot through coast...