Understanding The Quantum World and Scientific History Science is truly one of the deepest, the most complex, and the most relevant forms of knowledge in human history. It deals with such aspects like life, energy, matter, and molecules. But even until now, the study of science has been based on empirical knowledge since the time of Galileo and this fact brings out the call for a deeper form of scientific research which leads to the quantum world. In his groundbreaking new picture book Language of Nature: Quantum World Revealed, author David Judd Nutting presents to the world his views and...
Understanding The Quantum World and Scientific History Science is truly one of the deepest, the most complex, and the most relevant forms of knowledge...
Secrets to a Creative Mind: Become the Master of Your Mind For centuries, scientists and psychologists have sought to unravel the secrets of creativity, and yet the creative mind remains an enigma ... until now. For the first time, readers learn the true inner workings of a human creative mind, not from an erudite scholar, but straight from the source. Such a story can only be told by a creative mind. A mind that has literally created hundreds of successful creative projects that became the learning platform to comprehend the inner workings of the human creative mind. David Judd Nutting - the...
Secrets to a Creative Mind: Become the Master of Your Mind For centuries, scientists and psychologists have sought to unravel the secrets of creativit...
Secrets to a Creative Mind will take the reader into a world never before revealed. It is a unique world of the power of the human creative mind. Become master of your own mind and claim the life you were destine to become. The author will reveal secrets to a creative mind that have never been revealed before. He will even give insights in to the genius mind. Secrets to a Creative Mind will open a window to your inner self, your soul. With the newly discovered creative self, a fresh spiritual awakening will arise. It is like discovering a secret world within yourself that the reader never...
Secrets to a Creative Mind will take the reader into a world never before revealed. It is a unique world of the power of the human creative mind. Beco...