For several years there has been a growing interest in questions of philosophical ethics, and this appears to be continuing. The issues surrounding the different forms and concepts of moral philosophy have resulted in tensions which have spawned a complex ethical pluralism. This pluralism can, however, basically be traced back to two different conceptual foundations - universalism and relativism. The volume presented by Heidemann and Engelhard examines these two concepts from both a historical philosophical and a systematic perspective. Key Features comprehensive compendium suitable both as...
For several years there has been a growing interest in questions of philosophical ethics, and this appears to be continuing. The issues surrounding th...
Immanuel Kant is among the most pivotal thinkers in the history of philosophy. His transcendental idealism claims to overcome the skepticism of David Hume, resolve the impasse between empiricism and rationalism, and establish the reality of human freedom and moral agency. A thorough understanding of Kant is indispensable to any philosopher today. The significance of Kant's thought is matched by its complexity. His revolutionary ideas are systematically interconnected and he presents them using a forbidding technical vocabulary. A careful investigation of the key concepts that structure Kant's...
Immanuel Kant is among the most pivotal thinkers in the history of philosophy. His transcendental idealism claims to overcome the skepticism of David ...
Das philosophische Wirken Klaus Düsings läßt sich in vielfältiger Weise einerseits affirmativ, andererseits kritisch durch den Begriff "Aufklärung" fassen. Versteht man unter Aufklärung eine theoretische Konzeption, für welche die Autonomie des Subjekts grundlegend ist, eine pädagogische Haltung, die eben jene Autonomie fördert, einen methodischen Anspruch auf Klarheit oder einen Interpretationsansatz, der die historischen Verwurzelungen philosophischer Texte beachtet und freilegt, mit dem Ziel, traditionsunabhängig und vorurteilsfrei deren Erklärungswert zu beurteilen und ihre...
Das philosophische Wirken Klaus Düsings läßt sich in vielfältiger Weise einerseits affirmativ, andererseits kritisch durch den Begriff "Aufklärun...
Does matter consist of simple substances, or is it infinitely divisible? This is the question in the second antinomy in the Critique of Pure Reason. This first comprehensive systematic study of the antinomy of divisibility analyses its derivation, the proofs of the thesis and antithesis, and their resolution. The developmental and historical dimensions are also discussed, taking present-day problems in the philosophy of nature into account. The study demonstrates that the antinomy of divisibility is on the one hand a critique of metaphysics, but at the same time gains a positive...
Does matter consist of simple substances, or is it infinitely divisible? This is the question in the second antinomy in the Critique of Pure Re...
Fur die Gegenwartsphilosophie ist das Denken Immanuel Kants immer noch eine der mageblichen Orientierungsgroen. In nahezu allen philosophischen Disziplinen und Bereichen stellt es eine entscheidende Herausforderung dar. Anlasslich des 200. Todestages zeigen 15 namhafte Wissenschaftler die aktuelle Relevanz des Kant'schen Denkens in den Kernbereichen der Philosophie auf. Somit bietet der Band in systematischer Perspektive sowohl einen Uberblick uber die Kant'sche Philosophie als auch uber zentrale Stromungen und Entwicklungen der Gegenwartsphilosophie.
Fur die Gegenwartsphilosophie ist das Denken Immanuel Kants immer noch eine der mageblichen Orientierungsgroen. In nahezu allen philosophischen Dis...
But already a first glance at the metaphysics of potentials shows that concerning their ascription potentials are more problematic than dispositions since "potential" means that an entity has the potential to acquire a property in the future.
But already a first glance at the metaphysics of potentials shows that concerning their ascription potentials are more problematic than dispositions s...