Anyone seeking a gentle introduction to the methods of modern control theory and engineering, written at the level of a first-year graduate course, should consider this book seriously. It contains:
A generous historical overview of automatic control, from Ancient Greece to the 1970s, when this discipline matured into an essential field for electrical, mechanical, aerospace, chemical, and biomedical engineers, as well as mathematicians, and more recently, computer scientists;
A balanced presentation of the relevant theory: the main state-space methods for description,...
Anyone seeking a gentle introduction to the methods of modern control theory and engineering, written at the level of a first-year graduate course, sh...
Anyone seeking a gentle introduction to the methods of modern control theory and engineering, written at the level of a first-year graduate course, should consider this book seriously. It contains:
A generous historical overview of automatic control, from Ancient Greece to the 1970s, when this discipline matured into an essential field for electrical, mechanical, aerospace, chemical, and biomedical engineers, as well as mathematicians, and more recently, computer scientists;
A balanced presentation of the relevant theory: the main state-space methods for description,...
Anyone seeking a gentle introduction to the methods of modern control theory and engineering, written at the level of a first-year graduate course, sh...