The Information Security Solutions Europe Conference (ISSE) was started in 1999 by EEMA and TeleTrusT with the support of the European Commission and the German Federal Minis- try of Technology and Economics. Today the annual conference is a fixed event in every IT security professional's calendar. The aim of ISSE is to support the development of a Euro- pean information security culture and especially a cross-border framework for trustworthy IT applications for citizens, industry and administration. Therefore, it is important to take into consideration both international developments and...
The Information Security Solutions Europe Conference (ISSE) was started in 1999 by EEMA and TeleTrusT with the support of the European Commission and ...
Several constituencies are working on building and preserving users trust in the digital economy through - are examining new behaviors associated with ubiquitous connectivity and mobile computing as wel- hance privacy using new technologies and processes in order to ensure that concerns about privacy do where users rights are protected and technology is designed in a way to make sure it can be trusted. Consumer advocates are ensuring that users requirements and concerns are understood and recognized. trusted systems. And technologists and architects in industry are designing products and...
Several constituencies are working on building and preserving users trust in the digital economy through - are examining new behaviors associated with...
Pohlmann, Norbert Reimer, Helmut Schneider, Wolfgang
This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE 2009 the forum for the inter-disciplinary discussion of how to adequately secure electronic business processes. The topics include: - Economics of Security and Identity Management - Security Services and Large Scale Public Applications - Privacy and Data Protection and Awareness Raising - Standards and Technical Solutions - Secure Software, Trust and Assurance Adequate information security is one of the basic requirements of all electronic business processes. It is crucial for effective solutions that...
This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE 2009 the forum for the inter-disciplinary discussion of how to adequately secure electroni...
This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE 2010 the forum for the inter-disciplinary discussion of how to adequately secure electronic business processes. The topics include: - Identity and Security Management - Technical and Economical Aspects of Cloud Security - Security Services and Large Scale Public Applications - Smart Grid Security and Emerging Security Solutions - Privacy and Data Protection Adequate information security is one of the basic requirements of all electronic business processes. It is crucial for effective solutions that the...
This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE 2010 the forum for the inter-disciplinary discussion of how to adequately secure electroni...
This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE 2012 - the forum for the inter-disciplinary discussion of how to adequately secure electronic business processes. The topics include: - Information Security Strategy; Enterprise and Cloud Computing Security - Security and Privacy Impact of Green Energy; Human Factors of IT Security - Solutions for Mobile Applications; Identity & Access Management - Trustworthy Infrastructures; Separation & Isolation - EU Digital Agenda; Cyber Security: Hackers & Threats Adequate information security is one of the basic requirements of all electronic...
This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE 2012 - the forum for the inter-disciplinary discussion of how to adequately secure electro...
Der Band zeigt den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung auf und prasentiert innovative Anwendungen. Durch das umfangreiche Spektrum an brandaktuellen, hochwertigen Beitragen kommt man an diesem Buch gewiss nicht vorbei - insbesondere nicht, wenn man das Thema unternehmensweiter Informationssicherheit als Herausforderung annehmen mochte.
Der Band zeigt den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung auf und prasentiert innovative Anwendungen. Durch das umfangreiche Spektrum an branda...
Das vorliegende Buch ist aus einem Gutachten fur das Bundes- ministerium fur Wirtschaft und Technologie zu einem Konzept und einem Entwurf eines Gesetzes fur ein allgemeines Daten- schutzaudit hervorgegangen. Aufgabe des Rechtsgutachtens war es, aus verschiedenen alternativen Vorstellungen die Zielsetzung eines Datenschutzaudits zu entwickeln, zu prufen, welche As- pekte eines solchen Datenschutzaudits einer gesetzlichen Rah- menregelung bedurfen, fur diese eine Gesetzgebungskonzeption fur ein Datenschutzaudit zu entwerfen und daraus einen ersten Entwurf eines Gesetzes fur ein...
Das vorliegende Buch ist aus einem Gutachten fur das Bundes- ministerium fur Wirtschaft und Technologie zu einem Konzept und einem Entwurf eines Geset...
This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE 2006 - the forum for the interdisciplinary discussion of how to adequately secure electronic business processes. The topics include: Smart Token and e-ID-Card Developments and their Application - Secure Computing and how it will change the way we trust computers - Risk Management and how to quantify security threats - Awareness raising, Data Protection and how we secure corporate information. Adequate information security is one of the basic requirements of all electronic business processes. It is crucial for effective solutions...
This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE 2006 - the forum for the interdisciplinary discussion of how to adequately secure electron...
ENISA is proud to be working with eema, TeleTrusT, NASK (the Polish research and development organization and leading Polish data networks operator) and the German Federal Ministry of the Inte rior as well as the German Federal Offce for Information Security for this year s 9th annual Information Security Solutions Europe Confer ence. The aimof the ISSE has always been to support the developmentof a European information security culture and especially a cross border framework for trustworthy IT applications for citizens, industry and administration. ENISA is committed to these goals. In our...
ENISA is proud to be working with eema, TeleTrusT, NASK (the Polish research and development organization and leading Polish data networks operator) a...
This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE 2015 - the forum for the interdisciplinary discussion of the key European Commission security objectives and policy directions. The topics include: