The essays in this book deal with a number of problems in the analysis of intensional language - more especially with the analysis of the personal modalities in natural language. Together they cover a representative spectrum of the problems of contemporary, interest in this area, in a way that should make them of interest to linguists, logicians and philosophers concerned with natural language. The contributors are mostly more linguists than logicians or philosophers but some are more logicians or philosophers than linguists. As far as possible, we have tried to conduct the discussion in...
The essays in this book deal with a number of problems in the analysis of intensional language - more especially with the analysis of the personal mod...
VIrtually all the papers in these volumes originated in presentations at the Fourth Groningen Round Table, held in July 1980. That conference, organ ized by the Institute for General linguistics of Groningen University was the fourth in an irregular series of meetings devoted to issues of topical interest to linguists. Its predecessor, the Third Round Table, was held in June 1976, and dealt with the semantics of natural language. A selection of the papers was published as Syntax and Semantics 10, Selections from the Third Groningen Round Table, ed. by F. Heny and H. Schnelle, Academic Press,...
VIrtually all the papers in these volumes originated in presentations at the Fourth Groningen Round Table, held in July 1980. That conference, organ i...
Virtually all the papers in these volumes originated in presentations at the Fourth Groniogen Round Table, held in July 1980. That conference, organ ized by the Institute for General linguistics of Groniogen University was the fourth in an irregular series of meetings devoted to issues of topical interest to linguists. Its predecessor, the Third Round Table, was held in June 1976, and dealt with the semantics of natural language. A selection of the papers was published as Syntax and Semantics 10, Selections from the Third Groningen Round Table, ed. by F. Heny and H. Schnelle, Academic Press,...
Virtually all the papers in these volumes originated in presentations at the Fourth Groniogen Round Table, held in July 1980. That conference, organ i...
The essays in this book deal with a number of problems in the analysis of intensional language - more especially with the analysis of the personal modalities in natural language. Together they cover a representative spectrum of the problems of contemporary, interest in this area, in a way that should make them of interest to linguists, logicians and philosophers concerned with natural language. The contributors are mostly more linguists than logicians or philosophers but some are more logicians or philosophers than linguists. As far as possible, we have tried to conduct the discussion in...
The essays in this book deal with a number of problems in the analysis of intensional language - more especially with the analysis of the personal mod...
VIrtually all the papers in these volumes originated in presentations at the Fourth Groningen Round Table, held in July 1980. That conference, organ ized by the Institute for General linguistics of Groningen University was the fourth in an irregular series of meetings devoted to issues of topical interest to linguists. Its predecessor, the Third Round Table, was held in June 1976, and dealt with the semantics of natural language. A selection of the papers was published as Syntax and Semantics 10, Selections from the Third Groningen Round Table, ed. by F. Heny and H. Schnelle, Academic Press,...
VIrtually all the papers in these volumes originated in presentations at the Fourth Groningen Round Table, held in July 1980. That conference, organ i...
Virtually all the papers in these volumes originated in presentations at the Fourth Groniogen Round Table, held in July 1980. That conference, organ ized by the Institute for General linguistics of Groniogen University was the fourth in an irregular series of meetings devoted to issues of topical interest to linguists. Its predecessor, the Third Round Table, was held in June 1976, and dealt with the semantics of natural language. A selection of the papers was published as Syntax and Semantics 10, Selections from the Third Groningen Round Table, ed. by F. Heny and H. Schnelle, Academic Press,...
Virtually all the papers in these volumes originated in presentations at the Fourth Groniogen Round Table, held in July 1980. That conference, organ i...