The IAU Symposium No. 61, New Problems in Astrometry, was held in Perth, Western Australia, from 13th to 17th August 1973, under the sponsorship of Com- mission 8 (Positional Astronomy), 24 (Photographic Astrometry), 33 (Structure and Dynamics of the Galactic System) and 40 (Radio Astronomy). Considerable financial support was given by the Government of Western Australia. The scientific organising committee included Prof. Walter Fricke (Chairman), Prof. S. Vasilevskis (Vice- Chairman), Dr W. Gliese and Mr C. A. Murray (Secretaries), Dr B. G. Clark, Mr B. Elsmore, Prof. S. W. McCuskey, Dr J....
The IAU Symposium No. 61, New Problems in Astrometry, was held in Perth, Western Australia, from 13th to 17th August 1973, under the sponsorship of Co...