We have in this volume, compiled a connected account of the proceedings of the Symposium on Wolf-Rayet and High-Temperature Stars held at Buenos Aires. The Organizing Committee had assigned broad areas of topical interest to be reviewed by invited speakers. Each of these presentations was followed by lengthy discussions that were tape recorded and transcribed later. These discussions have been edited only to a limited extent. We have shortened them and rearranged them to bring about a greater coherence. We have, however, attempted to retain the tenor of the discussions, the flavour of...
We have in this volume, compiled a connected account of the proceedings of the Symposium on Wolf-Rayet and High-Temperature Stars held at Buenos Aires...
More than two centuries have elapsed since the story of interacting binary stars began with the rediscovery of the variability of Algol by John Goodricke and the interpretation he proposed for explaining the regular periodic brightness variations which he found.
More than two centuries have elapsed since the story of interacting binary stars began with the rediscovery of the variability of Algol by John Goodri...
More than two centuries have elapsed since the story of the interacting binary stars began with the rediscovery of the variability of Algol by John Goodricke and the interpretation he proposed for explaining the regular periodic brightness variations which he found. Over this long span of time our knowledge about these systems has been growing, and we have now reached a fairly good understanding of the structure and behavior of this interesting group of objects. This book contains a timely summary of our present knowledge of interacting binary stars. The chapters have been written by...
More than two centuries have elapsed since the story of the interacting binary stars began with the rediscovery of the variability of Algol by John Go...