This pUblication contains the proceedings of a Seminar held in Galway, Ireland on September 27 - 30, 1977 under the asupices of the Commission of the European Communities, as part of the EEC programme of co-ordination of research on beef production. The programme was drawn up by a scientific working group on PHYSIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION on behalf of the beef production committee. The working group comprised: Or. J.M. Sreenan (Chairman), Ireland; Mr. L.E.A. Rowson, United Kingdom; Professor C. Thibault, France; Or. B. Hoffman, Germany (Fed. Rep.); Professor L. Henriet, Belgium; Or. F. du Mesnil...
This pUblication contains the proceedings of a Seminar held in Galway, Ireland on September 27 - 30, 1977 under the asupices of the Commission of the ...