J. W. Holtrop's Monuments typographiques des Pays-Bas au quinzieme siecle appeared in 1868, and were followed in 1874 by M. F. A. G. Campbell's Annales de la typographie nierlandaise au XVe siecle,* both works were published by Martinus Nijhoff at The Hague. These two books marked an epoch at a time when incunabula were only beginning to be considered worthy objects of study. With some help from older bibliographies and catalogues, but mostly by person- al inspection of the early editions, Campbell built up his Annales from the very foundations. Since then incunabula have attracted more and...
J. W. Holtrop's Monuments typographiques des Pays-Bas au quinzieme siecle appeared in 1868, and were followed in 1874 by M. F. A. G. Campbell's Annale...