Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Symposium on Blood Transfusion, Groningen, NL, Organized by the Sanquin Division Blood Bank North-East, Groningen.
It is in many ways fitting that the last of these international symposia on blood transfusion should end with neonatal blood transfusion. The most fragile, least well studied and most at risk population requires special care and concern. We need to expand our knowledge of their unique physiology, biochemical pathways and in planning treatment and interventions, always "do no harm."
This proceedings of the last...
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Symposium on Blood Transfusion, Groningen, NL, Organized by the Sanquin Division Blood Bank North-Ea...
As appropriately outlined in the first chapter in cells was pioneered in Holland by Van Loghem and part II in this book, the history of contemporary Van Rood, and it led eventually to the discovery of blood transfusion is only three-quarters of a cen the HLA system and its subsequent explosive de tury old. On the surface, there is not much left in velopment. In biochemistry, the work on the ABO common between an arm to arm blood transfer and MN blood group substances has provided carried out as an heroic measure in the twenties, pointers to general features of the biosynthesis and when...
As appropriately outlined in the first chapter in cells was pioneered in Holland by Van Loghem and part II in this book, the history of contemporary V...
As appropriately outlined in the first chapter in cells was pioneered in Holland by Van Loghem and part II in this book, the history of contemporary Van Rood, and it led eventually to the discovery of blood transfusion is only three-quarters of a cen the HLA system and its subsequent explosive de tury old. On the surface, there is not much left in velopment. In biochemistry, the work on the ABO common between an arm to arm blood transfer and MN blood group substances has provided carried out as an heroic measure in the twenties, pointers to general features of the biosynthesis and when...
As appropriately outlined in the first chapter in cells was pioneered in Holland by Van Loghem and part II in this book, the history of contemporary V...