2) contain introductory material regarding ge- Historical Background ology and petroleum exploration techniques Only a few decades ago knowledge of the off- which we trust will help the non-specialist, in shore geology west of Britain and Ireland was conjunction with some of the more general ref- limited to a scattering of seabed samples. Dur- follow the main erences cited in the text, to ing the last twenty five years, however, the parts of the chapters and the text figures. This tempo of geological investigation has gradu- first chapter also contains a small amount of ally increased. The...
2) contain introductory material regarding ge- Historical Background ology and petroleum exploration techniques Only a few decades ago knowledge of th...
2) contain introductory material regarding ge- Historical Background ology and petroleum exploration techniques Only a few decades ago knowledge of the off- which we trust will help the non-specialist, in shore geology west of Britain and Ireland was conjunction with some of the more general ref- limited to a scattering of seabed samples. Dur- follow the main erences cited in the text, to ing the last twenty five years, however, the parts of the chapters and the text figures. This tempo of geological investigation has gradu- first chapter also contains a small amount of ally increased. The...
2) contain introductory material regarding ge- Historical Background ology and petroleum exploration techniques Only a few decades ago knowledge of th...