"The Wonky Witch" is the exciting tale of a young witch, Maude Sinks, during her first year at the prestigious wizard school, Abracadabra Academy. Maude is always messing things up, and she is scared that she will continue to be a screw-up at her new school. In classes, she is constantly falling off of her broom, making the wrong potions, and tripping over her robes. While becoming friends with a boy in her class, Adair, Maude stumbles upon an evil plot. In order to stop this creepy event from happening, Maude and Adair break a bunch of school rules, steal a paper, work in the mail room, deal...
"The Wonky Witch" is the exciting tale of a young witch, Maude Sinks, during her first year at the prestigious wizard school, Abracadabra Academy. Mau...
It's Christmas vacation, and Hayden and his five best friends plan on taking advantage of every school-free moment. The mayor announces that their town will hold its very first snowman competition, and the six kids want to win more than anything But little do the children know, when they build their competition snowman, they will plunge head-first into one of the most cherished Christmas stories of all time. As magic crackles around him, Hayden battles for the town trophy, learns the true meaning of friendship, and finds his life forever changed, all because of an old hat. Listen closely,...
It's Christmas vacation, and Hayden and his five best friends plan on taking advantage of every school-free moment. The mayor announces that their tow...
With their fourth year of studying magic at Abracadabra Academy underway, Maude and Adair can't help but be nervous about starting their advanced classes. And not only that, but they are about to embark on one of their greatest journeys yet...to teach their game of Wizard Wallop at another school, Sontom's School of Sorcery. They soon realize that this won't be just a fun vacation. The two friends sail across the Serpent Sea on a magnificent ship, experience odd foods from other lands, meet new friends, lead the Wallop tryouts, and study hard, all while trying to find out the meaning of a...
With their fourth year of studying magic at Abracadabra Academy underway, Maude and Adair can't help but be nervous about starting their advanced clas...