Conjugated polymers suoh as polyaoetylene (CH)x polyphenylene (C6H4)x' poly thiophene (C4H2S)x' etc., which are insulators in their pristine state, can be brought to the metallic state after "doping" with ohemioal speoies whioh oan be either eleotron donors or I aoceptors. . This doping prooess involves a oharge transfer between the dopant moleoule and the polymer ohain whioh are then supposed to be spatially olose to each other. It follows that the meohanism of doping must be oonsidered as an aotual interoalation process, which will greatly affeot the struotural oharacteristios of the...
Conjugated polymers suoh as polyaoetylene (CH)x polyphenylene (C6H4)x' poly thiophene (C4H2S)x' etc., which are insulators in their pristine state, ca...
Conjugated polymers suoh as polyaoetylene (CH)x polyphenylene (C6H4)x' poly thiophene (C4H2S)x' etc., which are insulators in their pristine state, can be brought to the metallic state after "doping" with ohemioal speoies whioh oan be either eleotron donors or I aoceptors. . This doping prooess involves a oharge transfer between the dopant moleoule and the polymer ohain whioh are then supposed to be spatially olose to each other. It follows that the meohanism of doping must be oonsidered as an aotual interoalation process, which will greatly affeot the struotural oharacteristios of the...
Conjugated polymers suoh as polyaoetylene (CH)x polyphenylene (C6H4)x' poly thiophene (C4H2S)x' etc., which are insulators in their pristine state, ca...