This book grew out of the Fourth Conference on Computers and the Writing process, held at the University of Sussex in March 1991. Fifteen refereed papers were selected from the conference and the authors were asked to develop them into chapters appropriate for this book, incorporating insights gained from their conference presentations.
This book grew out of the Fourth Conference on Computers and the Writing process, held at the University of Sussex in March 1991. Fifteen refereed pap...
This book grew out of the Fourth Conference on Computers and the Writing Process, held at the University of Sussex in March 1991. The conference brought together a wide variety of people interested in most aspects of computers and the writing process including, computers and writing education, computer supported fiction, computers and technical writing, evaluation of computer-based writing, and hypertext. Fifteen papers were selected from the twenty-five delivered at the conference. The authors were asked to develop them into articles, incorporating any insights they had gained from their...
This book grew out of the Fourth Conference on Computers and the Writing Process, held at the University of Sussex in March 1991. The conference broug...