Provides a critical discussion of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the specification of neural progenitor cells and also of the therapeutic strategies currently being developed to replace neural cells in neurodegenerative disorders. Considers such aspects as the induction and generation of reg
Provides a critical discussion of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the specification of neural progenitor cells and also of the therapeutic stra...
The last decades have witnessed a radical change in our views on central nervous system damage and repair. This change is not only due to the emergence of new powerful tools for the analysis of the brain and its reactions to insults, but it also reflects a conceptual change in the way we approach these problems. As an illustration to this development, it is instructive to go back to the proceedings of a meeting at the NIH in 1955 edited by William F. Windle, which summarizes the disillusioned and pessimistic view on CNS regeneration prevailing at the time. While this generation of researchers...
The last decades have witnessed a radical change in our views on central nervous system damage and repair. This change is not only due to the emergenc...
This volume contains papers presented at the Fourth International Altschul Sympo- sium, held June 27-29, 1996, at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatche- wan, Canada. The Altschul Symposia Series are held in memory of Rudolf Altschul, a graduate of the University of Prague and a pioneer in the fields of vascular and nervous system biology. Dr. Altschul was head of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Saskatchewan from 1955 to 1963. The Altschul Symposia are made possible by an endow- ment left by Anni Altschul, Dr. Altschul's wife, and by other contributions given by...
This volume contains papers presented at the Fourth International Altschul Sympo- sium, held June 27-29, 1996, at the University of Saskatchewan in Sa...
Sergey Fedoroff Bernhard H. J. Juurlink J. Ronald Doucette
This volume is made up of papers presented at the Second International Altschul Symposium: Biology and Pathology of Astrocyte-Neuron Interactions. The symposium was held in Saskatoon, Canada at the University of Saskatchewn in May, 1992 in memory of Rudolf Altschul, a graduate of the University of Prague and a pioneer in the fields of the biology of the vascular and nervous systems. Dr. Altschul was Professor and Head of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Saskatchewan from 1955 to 1963. The Altschul Symposia were made possible by an endowment left by Anni Altschul and by other...
This volume is made up of papers presented at the Second International Altschul Symposium: Biology and Pathology of Astrocyte-Neuron Interactions. The...
C. Rangacharyulu Emmanuel Haven Bernhard H. J. Juurlink
This is one of the few unique books that explicitly explores what the common methodologies are across disciplines that stretch from the humanities to the exact sciences. The goal is to compare and contrast the modes of thinking and methods of research of diverse disciplines to allow readers to explore the common threads and distinct features of approach to research. Contributed by world-renowned authors, and written at a non-specialist level, it is accessible even to senior undergraduates and graduate students in various disciplines.
This is one of the few unique books that explicitly explores what the common methodologies are across disciplines that stretch from the humanities to ...