The 13 lectures from a course in sub-atomic systems for graduate and post-doctorate physics students, held in Dronton, The Netherlands, in August 1993. They address the hadronic structure starting at low energies with meson production and nucleon resonance excitation in lepton and hadron scattering
The 13 lectures from a course in sub-atomic systems for graduate and post-doctorate physics students, held in Dronton, The Netherlands, in August 1993...
In many areas of physics, such as astrophysics, solid-state physics, nuclear physics and particle physics, a major outstanding problem is a better understanding of corre lation phenomena. While in most cases the average properties of a system are rather well understood, the correlations and the resulting clustering are poorly understood. They are reflections of the force mediating the interaction among the constituents and play essential roles in determining the structure of a physical system. At the largest scales, in astrophysics, it has recently been realized that there are huge voids in...
In many areas of physics, such as astrophysics, solid-state physics, nuclear physics and particle physics, a major outstanding problem is a better und...
The 1988 Summer School on New Aspects of Nuclear Dynamics took place in the style that by now has become a tradition: a series of lectures by well known scientists on modem topics of nuclear physics, where special emphasis is placed on the didactic aspects of the lectures. In the past few years, we have witnessed a rapid evolution of the field of nuclear physics towards novel directions of research. This development is accompanied by the construction of some of the largest experimental facilities ever built for nuclear research. The subjects covered by the Summer School focussed on two main...
The 1988 Summer School on New Aspects of Nuclear Dynamics took place in the style that by now has become a tradition: a series of lectures by well kno...
The last decade has been witness to many exciting and rapid developments in the fields of Nuclear Physics and Intermediate Energy Physics, the interface between Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics. These developments involved to a large extent the sub nucleonic degrees of freedom in nuclei. In deep inelastic lepton scattering from nuclei, for example, it was observed that the quark structure of the nucleon is influenced by the nuclear medium. Also, the spin-dependent structure function of the nucleon was found to differ from sum rules based on SU(3) symmetry, a discrepancy referred to as...
The last decade has been witness to many exciting and rapid developments in the fields of Nuclear Physics and Intermediate Energy Physics, the interfa...