Details the brain damage that can result from high ammonia levels in the blood because of a damaged liver, and both traditional and proposed new methods for mitigating it, including nutritional approaches. The 12 papers are the lectures presented at a summer course in El Escorial, Spain, August 1992
Details the brain damage that can result from high ammonia levels in the blood because of a damaged liver, and both traditional and proposed new metho...
An update on the causes, mechanisms, and clinical treatments of hepatic encephalopathy, the effects of the resulting hyperammonemia, and the mechanisms of ammonia toxicity. The 21 papers discuss animal models, seizures in ammonia intoxication, a model of gene therapy for ornithine transcarbamylase d
An update on the causes, mechanisms, and clinical treatments of hepatic encephalopathy, the effects of the resulting hyperammonemia, and the mechanism...