The asymptotic analysis of boundary value problems in parameter-dependent domains is a rapidly developing field of research in the theory of partial differential equations, with important applications in electrostatics, elasticity, hydrodynamics and fracture mechanics. Building on the work of Ciarlet and Destuynder, this book provides a systematic coverage of these methods in multi-structures, i.e. domains which are dependent on a small parameter e in such a way that the limit region consists of subsets of different space dimensions. An undergraduate knowledge of partial differential...
The asymptotic analysis of boundary value problems in parameter-dependent domains is a rapidly developing field of research in the theory of partial d...
This book develops a detailed theory of a generalized Sturm-Liouville Equation, which includes conditions of solvability, classes of uniqueness, positivity properties of solutions and Green's functions, asymptotic properties of solutions at infinity. Of independent interest, the higher-order Sturm-Liouville equation also proved to have important applications to differential equations with operator coefficients and elliptic boundary value problems for domains with non-smooth boundaries. The book addresses graduate students and researchers in ordinary and partial differential equations, and is...
This book develops a detailed theory of a generalized Sturm-Liouville Equation, which includes conditions of solvability, classes of uniqueness, posit...
This volume is dedicated to the centenary of the outstanding mathematician of the 20th century, Sergey Sobolev, and, in a sense, to his celebrated work on a theorem of functional analysis, published in 1938, exactly 70 years ago, was where the original Sobolev inequality was proved. This double event is a good occasion to gather experts for presenting the latest results on the study of Sobolev inequalities, which play a fundamental role in analysis, the theory of partial differential equations, mathematical physics, and differential geometry. In particular, the following topics are discussed:...
This volume is dedicated to the centenary of the outstanding mathematician of the 20th century, Sergey Sobolev, and, in a sense, to his celebrated wor...
Sobolev spaces become the established and universal language of partial differential equations and mathematical analysis. Among a huge variety of problems where Sobolev spaces are used, the following important topics are the focus of this volume: boundary value problems in domains with singularities, higher order partial differential equations, local polynomial approximations, inequalities in Sobolev-Lorentz spaces, function spaces in cellular domains, the spectrum of a Schrodinger operator with negative potential and other spectral problems, criteria for the complete integration of...
Sobolev spaces become the established and universal language of partial differential equations and mathematical analysis. Among a huge variety of p...
Sobolev spaces and inequalities are fundamental tools in the theory of partial differential equations, analysis, differential geometry, mathematical physics, etc. Introduced 70 years ago, they turned out to be extremely useful in many different settings and continue to attract the attention of new generations of mathematicians. Recent advantages in the theory of Sobolev spaces and in applications are presented by globally recognized specialists in topics covering Sobolev-type spaces of functions in metric spaces, various aspects of Sobolev-type inequalities, boundary value problems for...
Sobolev spaces and inequalities are fundamental tools in the theory of partial differential equations, analysis, differential geometry, mathematica...
The purpose of this book is to give a comprehensive exposition of the theory of boundary integral equations for single and double layer potentials on curves with exterior and interior cusps. The theory was developed by the authors during the last twenty years and the present volume is based on their results.
The first three chapters are devoted to harmonic potentials, and in the final chapter elastic potentials are treated. Theorems on solvability in various function spaces and asymptotic representations for solutions near the cusps are obtained. Kernels and cokernels of the integral...
The purpose of this book is to give a comprehensive exposition of the theory of boundary integral equations for single and double layer potentials ...
'I never heard of "Ugli?cation," Alice ventured to say. 'What is it?'' Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland" Subject and motivation. The present book is devoted to a theory of m- tipliers in spaces of di?erentiable functions and its applications to analysis, partial di?erential and integral equations. By a multiplier acting from one functionspaceS intoanotherS, wemeanafunctionwhichde?nesabounded 1 2 linear mapping ofS intoS by pointwise multiplication. Thus with any pair 1 2 of spacesS, S we associate a third one, the space of multipliersM(S?S ) 1 2 1 2 endowed with the norm of the operator of...
'I never heard of "Ugli?cation," Alice ventured to say. 'What is it?'' Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland" Subject and motivation. The present book i...
The first systematic, self-contained presentation of a theory of arbitrary order ODEs with unbounded operator coefficients in a Hilbert or Banach space. Developed over the last 10 years by the authors, it deals with conditions of solvability, classes of uniqueness, estimates for solutions and asymptotic representations of solutions at infinity.
The first systematic, self-contained presentation of a theory of arbitrary order ODEs with unbounded operator coefficients in a Hilbert or Banach s...
Sobolev spaces become the established and universal language of partial differential equations and mathematical analysis. Among a huge variety of problems where Sobolev spaces are used, the following important topics are the focus of this volume: boundary value problems in domains with singularities, higher order partial differential equations, local polynomial approximations, inequalities in Sobolev-Lorentz spaces, function spaces in cellular domains, the spectrum of a Schrodinger operator with negative potential and other spectral problems, criteria for the complete integration of...
Sobolev spaces become the established and universal language of partial differential equations and mathematical analysis. Among a huge variety of p...
For the first time in the mathematical literature this two-volume work introduces a unified and general approach to the asymptotic analysis of elliptic boundary value problems in singularly perturbed domains. This first volume is devoted to domains whose boundary is smooth in the neighborhood of finitely many conical points. In particular, the theory encompasses the important case of domains with small holes. The second volume, on the other hand, treats perturbations of the boundary in higher dimensions as well as nonlocal perturbations. The core of this book consists of the solution...
For the first time in the mathematical literature this two-volume work introduces a unified and general approach to the asymptotic analysis of elli...