The International Society ofSoil Science was organized in 1924 and the 1st International Congress ofthe Society was held in Washington, D. C., United States ofAmerica, in 1927. The 14th Congress was held August 12-18, 1990 in Kyoto, Japan. Dr. Akira Tanaka, Society President, stated "It is a serious concernofpeopleintheworldtosustainhighfarming productivityfor feeding the ever growing population, and also to protect the environment for human habitation. For this purpose, it is necessary to maximize crop yield per unit field areathroughintensivemanagementofthesoilandcropsonlands which are best...
The International Society ofSoil Science was organized in 1924 and the 1st International Congress ofthe Society was held in Washington, D. C., United ...
The world needs for food and fiber continue to increase. Population growth in the developing countries peaked at 2. 4% a year in 1965 and has fallen to about 2. 1%. However, in many developing countries almost half the people are under 15 years of age, poised to enter their productive and reproductive years. The challenges to produce enough food for this growing population will remain great Even more challenging is growing the food in the areas of greatest need. Presently the world has great surpluses of food and fiber in some areas while there are devastating deficiencies in other areas....
The world needs for food and fiber continue to increase. Population growth in the developing countries peaked at 2. 4% a year in 1965 and has fallen t...