Topology, for many years, has been one of the most exciting and influential fields of research in modern mathematics. Although its origins may be traced back several hundred years, it was PoincarE who "gave topology wings" in a classic series of articles published around the turn of the century. While the earlier history, sometimes called the prehistory, is also considered, this volume is mainly concerned with the more recent history of topology, from PoincarE onwards. As will be seen from the list of contents the articles cover a wide range of topics. Some are more technical than others,...
Topology, for many years, has been one of the most exciting and influential fields of research in modern mathematics. Although its origins may be trac...
This book is based on lectures I have given to undergraduate and graduate audiences at Oxford and elsewhere over the years. My aim has been to provide an outline of both the topological theory and the uniform theory, with an emphasis on the relation between the two. Although I hope that the prospec- tive specialist may find it useful as an introduction it is the non-specialist I have had more in mind in selecting the contents. Thus I have tended to avoid the ingenious examples and counterexamples which often occupy much ofthe space in books on general topology, and I have tried to keep the...
This book is based on lectures I have given to undergraduate and graduate audiences at Oxford and elsewhere over the years. My aim has been to provide...
Students of topology rightly complain that much of the basic material in the subject cannot easily be found in the literature, at least not in a convenient form. In this book I have tried to take a fresh look at some of this basic material and to organize it in a coherent fashion. The text is as self-contained as I could reasonably make it and should be quite accessible to anyone who has an elementary knowledge of point-set topology and group theory. This book is based on a course of 16 graduate lectures given at Oxford and elsewhere from time to time. In a course of that length one cannot...
Students of topology rightly complain that much of the basic material in the subject cannot easily be found in the literature, at least not in a conve...