Volume 5 in this series spans a variety of topics including terpene synthesis, amino acid synthesis, and combinatorial methods for generation of structural diversity.
The first chapter has been contributed by Trond Hansen and Professor Yngve Strenstrom of the Agricultural University of Norway, and surveys naturally occurring cyclobutanes. As well as providing a review of representative syntheses and synthetic strategies for the introduction of cyclobutane into target molecules, the number of rings contained in the natural product is also discussed in logical order.
The following...
Volume 5 in this series spans a variety of topics including terpene synthesis, amino acid synthesis, and combinatorial methods for generation of struc...
This fourth volume in the series Organic Synthesis: Theory and Applications is composed of five chapters that span a wide range of disciplines. Alkaloid chemistry, total synthesis, synthetic methodology, carbohydrate technology, and spin-trapping agents are all covered by experts in these fields. The first chapter is one of the finest examples of deductive reasoning in the chemical literature, examining the rich history of the chemistry of morphine. Within the following chapters, synthetic challenges of the marine terpenoids are brought into focus, the chemistry and synthetic...
This fourth volume in the series Organic Synthesis: Theory and Applications is composed of five chapters that span a wide range of disciplines....
Part of a series which covers areas of organic synthesis ranging from the latest developments in enantioselective methodologies, to reviews of updated chemical methods. The volumes are written by experts, who describe their own area of expertise, as well as those of their peers.
Part of a series which covers areas of organic synthesis ranging from the latest developments in enantioselective methodologies, to reviews of upda...