Addresses traditional concerns for tourism as well as emerging challenges posed by the global movement of infectious disease and terrorism. This book highlights the positive responses made by various sectors of the industry at destination, national and international levels. It also examines the growing adventure tourism market.
Addresses traditional concerns for tourism as well as emerging challenges posed by the global movement of infectious disease and terrorism. This book ...
"This book creates new knowledge - no other home economics writer in the world has attempted this." Dr Margaret Henry, Hong Kong Institute of Education "This book fills a major gap in the literature in Australia and elsewhere. It is deliciously written and wonderfully rich. The teacher in home economics in particular, but in Australian curriculum more broadly, has been enriched by this analysis, which significantly opens new arenas for research." Professor Marie Brennan, University of Canberra There is an expectation that teachers are, and will be, transformers of society as they prepare...
"This book creates new knowledge - no other home economics writer in the world has attempted this." Dr Margaret Henry, Hong Kong Institute of Educatio...
In this book the editors have been able to provide a snapshot of current research being undertaken in the Asia-Pacific region in regards to teacher self-efficacy beliefs. This includes specific focuses on inclusive teaching, professionalism, subject domains, collective efficacy as well as specific contexts of early childhood education and care, primary schools education, special needs schools and teacher education. This allows the reader to begin to develop an understanding about the complexity of teacher self-efficacy as well as the development and relationship between self-efficacy and...
In this book the editors have been able to provide a snapshot of current research being undertaken in the Asia-Pacific region in regards to teacher se...
In this book the editors have been able to provide a snapshot of current research being undertaken in the Asia-Pacific region in regards to teacher self-efficacy beliefs. This includes specific focuses on inclusive teaching, professionalism, subject domains, collective efficacy as well as specific contexts of early childhood education and care, primary schools education, special needs schools and teacher education. This allows the reader to begin to develop an understanding about the complexity of teacher self-efficacy as well as the development and relationship between self-efficacy and...
In this book the editors have been able to provide a snapshot of current research being undertaken in the Asia-Pacific region in regards to teacher se...
This book examines the theoretical underpinning of the concept of personalised education and explores the question: What is personalised education in the contemporary higher education sector and how is it implemented?
This book examines the theoretical underpinning of the concept of personalised education and explores the question: What is personalised education in ...