The Final Warning is a psychological thriller based on a documented true story. Many of the unexplainable supernatural events that occur in this story are based on actual events confirmed by court records and the legal depositions of witnesses.
Father Tony DiMarco, an expert at deciphering ancient scrolls, was transferred from his parish in Los Angeles to a secret chamber deep in the bowels of The Vatican. He discovered messages hidden in ancient scrolls. They revealed the devil had challenged God. He claimed that with more power over the world, he could win more souls than God and...
The Final Warning is a psychological thriller based on a documented true story. Many of the unexplainable supernatural events that occur in this st...
The Final Warning is a psychological thriller based on a documented true story. Many of the unexplainable supernatural events that occur in this story are based on actual events confirmed by court records and the legal depositions of witnesses.
Father Tony DiMarco, an expert at deciphering ancient scrolls, was transferred from his parish in Los Angeles to a secret chamber deep in the bowels of The Vatican. He discovered messages hidden in ancient scrolls. They revealed the devil had challenged God. He claimed that with more power over the world, he could win more souls than God and...
The Final Warning is a psychological thriller based on a documented true story. Many of the unexplainable supernatural events that occur in this st...