After Wayne Fencer, a recent film school grad, attends his ex-girlfriend's funeral, he struggles to come to terms with her suicide and the startling news that she was pregnant with his child. Desperate to understand and haunted by regret, Wayne begins a journey that takes him up and down the East Coast (on foot) and across the American West (in an RV), finally arriving at the Costco Soulmate Trading Outpost in the middle of the Black Rock Desert. Along the way, Wayne's journey becomes a series of meditations on modern life, drawing on everything from the ancient philosophy of Siddhartha...
After Wayne Fencer, a recent film school grad, attends his ex-girlfriend's funeral, he struggles to come to terms with her suicide and the startling n...
"Board" is a groundbreaking work of literary collage derived entirely from comment boards at The Nervous Breakdown, an online culture magazine and literary community founded in 2006. It is a unique artifact of the Internet Age and the digital revolution in publishing. It is a cacophony of voices. It is what your computer screen sounds like, only better. It is strangely moving. And painfully honest. And shockingly funny and mean. It is all of these things. And it is essential reading for anyone who spends too much time sitting slack-jawed in front of a computer screen. "Expertly interweaving...
"Board" is a groundbreaking work of literary collage derived entirely from comment boards at The Nervous Breakdown, an online culture magazine and lit...