Common Prayer helps today's diverse church pray together across traditions and denominations. With an ear to the particulars of how various liturgical traditions pray, and using an advisory team of liturgy experts, the authors have created a tapestry of prayer that celebrates the best of each tradition. The book also includes a unique songbook composed of music and classic lyrics to over fifty songs from various traditions, including African spirituals, traditional hymns, Mennonite gathering songs, and Taize chants. Tools for prayer are scattered throughout to aid those who are unfamiliar...
Common Prayer helps today's diverse church pray together across traditions and denominations. With an ear to the particulars of how various liturgi...
Scott A. Bessenecker Shane Claiborne Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
With a survey of the history of new friar movements and commentary by forerunner Viv Grigg, this seminal book, edited by Scott A. Bessenecker, paints a picture of the global mission of the "new friars" that is new only because it has been neglected for so long, a mission that is truly good news.
With a survey of the history of new friar movements and commentary by forerunner Viv Grigg, this seminal book, edited by Scott A. Bessenecker, paints ...
Rather than embracing the conflict around gay relationships as an opportunity for the church to talk honestly about human sexuality, Christians continue to hurt one another with the same tired arguments that divide us along predictable political battle lines. If the world is to "know that we are Christians by our love," the church needs to discover better ways to live out the deep unity we share in Christ as we engage with politics and our world. In Oriented to Faith, Tim Otto tells the story of his struggle with being gay and what that taught him about the gospel. With an authentic and...
Rather than embracing the conflict around gay relationships as an opportunity for the church to talk honestly about human sexuality, Christians contin...
In this reasoned exploration of justice, retribution, and redemption, the champion of the new monastic movement, popular speaker, and author of the bestselling The Irresistible Revolution offers a powerful and persuasive appeal for the abolition of the death penalty.
The Bible says an eye for an eye. But is the state's taking of a life true--or even practical--punishment for convicted prisoners? In this thought-provoking work, Shane Claiborne explores the issue of the death penalty and the contrast between punitive justice and restorative justice, questioning our notions of...
In this reasoned exploration of justice, retribution, and redemption, the champion of the new monastic movement, popular speaker, and author of the...
In this updated 10th Anniversary Edition of Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne uses unconventional examples from his own life to stir up questions about the church and the world, while challenging readers to truly live out their Christian faith. With new material throughout the book and a full new chapter, Shane brings readers up to date on the "revolution" - adding new stories, sharing what his community looks like now, and bringing fresh inspiration to live out this message in practical ways.
In Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne describes...
In this updated 10th Anniversary Edition of Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne uses unconventional examples from his own ...