Nicci's yearning for change and excitement after moving to a small town, fueled by the relentless teasing of two popular classmates, provokes her to impulsively commit a small crime. The events that follow lead to a horrible accident, and Nicci disappears from the face of the earth. After plunging 10-feet below the Earth's surface into a hidden, abandoned well, 12-year-old Nicci Styler must use her raw courage and unique imagination to save herself. As Nicci struggles to survive, and the townspeople rally together to find her, the powers of good and evil challenge their souls. The only...
Nicci's yearning for change and excitement after moving to a small town, fueled by the relentless teasing of two popular classmates, provokes her to i...
Rachel's journey began the day she was diagnosed with leukemia. But her fear of the disease was not as crippling as the thought of having to face it alone when her best friend, Nicci, turns up missing right after her diagnosis. Nicci disappears from the face of the earth after a fall into an abandoned well. The accident is witnessed only by a fleeing convict who is running from his own haunting demons from his childhood. But divine intervention connects these three young people in a series of climatic events that lead them on a journey together to save Rachel's life. Rachel's Journey is the...
Rachel's journey began the day she was diagnosed with leukemia. But her fear of the disease was not as crippling as the thought of having to face it a...