Im Ringen um Marktanteile und Wettbewerbsfahigkeit hangt der langfristige Erfolg eines Unternehmens massgeblich von dessen Leistungen in Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) ab. Die effiziente Allokation von F&E-Ressourcen stellt somit eine der zentralen Herausforderungen fur Unternehmen dar. Meist wird die Ressourcenverteilung fur Innovations- und Technologieprojekte uber hierarchische Entscheidungsverfahren und Entscheidungsgremien vorgenommen. Eine Alternative hierzu ist die Allokation uber einen internen F&E-Markt. Das vorliegende Buch beschaftigt sich daher mit der Frage, ob und inwiefern...
Im Ringen um Marktanteile und Wettbewerbsfahigkeit hangt der langfristige Erfolg eines Unternehmens massgeblich von dessen Leistungen in Forschung ...
In times of global markets, increasing competition and short product life cycles the effective and efficient management of industrial research and development (R and D) activities is of central importance for companies as well as for the whole economy. Traditionally the resources for R and D projects are allocated via planning- and budgeting procedures, evaluation methods and hierarchical decision-committees. This book presents resource allocation via internal markets as an alternative to such hierarchical decision procedures. It appears that the implementation of internal R and D markets...
In times of global markets, increasing competition and short product life cycles the effective and efficient management of industrial research and ...
Im Ringen um Marktanteile und Wettbewerbsfahigkeit hangt der langfristige Erfolg eines Unternehmens massgeblich von dessen Leistungen in Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) ab. Die effiziente Allokation von F&E-Ressourcen stellt somit eine der zentralen Herausforderungen fur Unternehmen dar. Meist wird die Ressourcenverteilung fur Innovations- und Technologieprojekte uber hierarchische Entscheidungsverfahren und Entscheidungsgremien vorgenommen. Eine Alternative hierzu ist die Allokation uber einen internen F&E-Markt. Das vorliegende Buch beschaftigt sich daher mit der Frage, ob und inwiefern...
Im Ringen um Marktanteile und Wettbewerbsfahigkeit hangt der langfristige Erfolg eines Unternehmens massgeblich von dessen Leistungen in Forschung ...
Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince remains an influential book more than five centuries after he wrote his timeless classic. However, the political philosophy expressed by Machiavelli in his tome is often misunderstood. Although he thought humans to be rational, self-interested creatures, and even though he proposed an approach to politics in which the ends justify the means, Machiavelli was not, as some have argued, simply "a teacher of evil." The Prince's many ancient and medieval examples, while relevant to sixteenth century readers, are lost on most of today's students of Machiavelli....
Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince remains an influential book more than five centuries after he wrote his timeless classic. However, the political phil...
Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince remains an influential book more than five centuries after he wrote his timeless classic. However, the political philosophy expressed by Machiavelli in his tome is often misunderstood. Although he thought humans to be rational, self-interested creatures, and even though he proposed an approach to politics in which the ends justify the means, Machiavelli was not, as some have argued, simply a teacher of evil. The Prince s many ancient and medieval examples, while relevant to sixteenth century readers, are lost on most of today s students of Machiavelli....
Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince remains an influential book more than five centuries after he wrote his timeless classic. However, the political phil...