La presente raccolta di problemi ed esercizi nasce dall'esperienza maturata durante il corso di Equazioni a Derivate Parziali (EDPed e rivolto prevalentemente a studenti di Ingegneria, Fisica e Matematica, ma costituisce un utile punto di riferimento anche per coloro che desiderano approfondire alcuni aspetti teorici e modellistici di questa importante disciplina. La finalita consiste nell'abituare il lettore ad una sinergia metodologica nell'affrontare problemi teorici e/o modellistici.
La presente raccolta di problemi ed esercizi nasce dall'esperienza maturata durante il corso di Equazioni a Derivate Parziali (EDPed e rivolto prev...
This textbook presents problems and exercises at various levels of difficulty in the following areas: Classical Methods in PDEs (diffusion, waves, transport, potential equations); Basic Functional Analysis and Distribution Theory; Variational Formulation of Elliptic Problems; and Weak Formulation for Parabolic Problems and for the Wave Equation. Thanks to the broad variety of exercises with complete solutions, it can be used in all basic and advanced PDE courses.
This textbook presents problems and exercises at various levels of difficulty in the following areas: Classical Methods in PDEs (diffusion, waves, ...
This work is an updated version of a book evolved from courses offered on partial differential equations (PDEs) over the last several years at the Politecnico di Milano. These courses had a twofold purpose: on the one hand, to teach students to appreciate the interplay between theory and modeling in problems arising in the applied sciences, and on the other to provide them with a solid theoretical background for numerical methods, such as finite elements. Accordingly, this textbook is divided into two parts. The first part, chapters 2 to 5, is more elementary in nature and focuses on...
This work is an updated version of a book evolved from courses offered on partial differential equations (PDEs) over the last several years at the Po...