This book presents new work on the psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics of compound words. It shows the insights this work offers on natural language processing and the relation between language, mind, and memory. Compounding is an easy and effective way to create and transfer meanings. By building new lexical items based on the meanings of existing items, compounds can usually be understood on first presentation, though - as, say, breadboard, cardboard, cupboard, and sandwich-board show - the rules governing the relations between the components' meanings are not always straightforward....
This book presents new work on the psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics of compound words. It shows the insights this work offers on natural languag...
Reflects a consensus that the investigation of words in the mind offers a unique opportunity to understand both human language ability and general human cognition. Brings together key perspectives on the fundamental nature of the representation and processing of words in the mind. This thematic volume covers a wide range of views on the fundamental nature of representation and processing of words in the mind and a range of views on the investigative techniques that are most likely to reveal that nature. *Provides an overview of issues and developments in the field *Uncovers the...
Reflects a consensus that the investigation of words in the mind offers a unique opportunity to understand both human language ability and general hum...