Four "Father Brown" short story mysteries by G. K. Chesterton adapted for young readers by Nancy Carpentier Brown and illustrated by Ted Schluenderfritz, featuring: A sapphire cross rescued . . . "The Blue Cross" A set of silverware recovered . . . . "The Strange Feet" A trio of diamonds restored . . . . "The Flying Stars" A magician's puzzle solved . . . . "The Absence of Mr. Glass" Recommended for 4th - 5th grade.
Four "Father Brown" short story mysteries by G. K. Chesterton adapted for young readers by Nancy Carpentier Brown and illustrated by Ted Schluenderfri...
Clerihews: Poetry for the Fun of It is a compilation of light verse by John Peterson. The "Clerihew" is a poetic form named for Edmund Clerihew Bentley, the British author who invented the poetic form in the Nineteenth Century.
Clerihews: Poetry for the Fun of It is a compilation of light verse by John Peterson. The "Clerihew" is a poetic form named for Edmund Clerihew Bentle...