A few years ago people began encouraging me to write the story of my spiritual journey from New Age back to Christianity. This is it. It has been a lot of fun to write. As I remembered and wrote down each step through my life, I began to see a wonderful pattern as a powerful and awesome God was at work in my life. I pray that my circular journey is interesting and helpful as I take you from my Christian roots, as a child, to the outer fringes during my teen and young adult years, until finally, I return, Prodigal Child, back into my Father's arms. I've always had a strong love for God. He...
A few years ago people began encouraging me to write the story of my spiritual journey from New Age back to Christianity. This is it. It has been a lo...
With the world in the condition it is in, should we spend our time and our mind's resources watching TV? Sometimes we just need to relax and forget our troubles, don't we? But does the mind ever stop processing data we feed it? The fact that we dream at night proves that it doesn't. Do we have to feel so distraught, so confused, so lost all the time? Maybe we could take advantage of our intimate relationship with God and pray to Him, receiving His comfort and even His direction? Maybe we should Pray rather than watch TV.
With the world in the condition it is in, should we spend our time and our mind's resources watching TV? Sometimes we just need to relax and forget ou...
"One of the hardest things we'll ever attempt to do is love people who ignore us-or who even actively despise us. Do you see why Jesus' commands to love our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, and do good to those who would do evil to us, remains so low in priority on our life's "To Do" list? It is painful just to think that we must love people who consider us so rotten. No sane person would put themselves through an emotional meat grinder, by embracing such a goal. No sane person would strive to do as Jesus commands. No sane person would leap the wall that protects our flimsy self from...
"One of the hardest things we'll ever attempt to do is love people who ignore us-or who even actively despise us. Do you see why Jesus' commands to lo...
From the introduction: "In a flash of lights and colors on his computer while traversing the Internet, there appeared in the life of Rich Davis a very helpful and mysterious teacher who called himself the Traveler. His lessons, taught with gentle patience, revolutionized Rich's Christian walk." Vic and Eva Zarley have created a Christian science fiction unlike any you may have read before. The protagonist, Rich Davis, has found his computer is suddenly transformed into a teaching machine skillfully used by the Traveler, a mysterious Christian mentor whom we all come to love for his wisdom and...
From the introduction: "In a flash of lights and colors on his computer while traversing the Internet, there appeared in the life of Rich Davis a very...
Sprinkled throughout this book is a rebuttal to Richard Dawkins book, "The God Delusion." In addition to that, however, there is a strong message for the Christian Church. Over time, the Church has allowed much to dilute Christ's message and gets fairly caught up in social activities, food, musical events, more food, and bringing in the lost by giving them, yes, food, rather than spending much time equipping the Body of Christ with the tools to follow Jesus' commands ("If you love Me," He said, "follow my commands ") We tend to avoid the tasks before us that are the most difficult. High on...
Sprinkled throughout this book is a rebuttal to Richard Dawkins book, "The God Delusion." In addition to that, however, there is a strong message for ...
Is God real or is He just a figment of our imagination? The secular humanists and "rationalists" so prevalent in today's world, have blasphemed God Word, stating that most of the miracles of the New Testament and the mighty workings of God in the Old Testament are myths, or embellished story-telling, handed down from generation to generation, becoming more fantastic with each telling. This is even taught in some seminaries. To the rationalist, casting lots and getting a genuine guidance from God, Himself, is a ludicrous notion. But, if God is real, why should we not expect Him to help us with...
Is God real or is He just a figment of our imagination? The secular humanists and "rationalists" so prevalent in today's world, have blasphemed God Wo...