In A Church of Hope, author Van Nam Kim examines the ecclesiology of Jurgen Moltmann, a renowned Protestant theologian. Espousing a vision of unity for humanity, Moltmann's ecclesiology relates both to Christology and the theology of hope. He calls for the Church to become more involved in world affairs in order to improve the conditions of human beings and all creation. According to Moltmann, in the third millennium, the Church should become a 'Church of Hope.' This book will instigate a new understanding of ecumenism. Catholics are presented with an opportunity to understand the...
In A Church of Hope, author Van Nam Kim examines the ecclesiology of Jurgen Moltmann, a renowned Protestant theologian. Espousing a vision of unity fo...
Multicultural Theology and New Evangelization sheds light on the central role of multiculturalism in the Catholic Church of the third millennium. In this book, Van Nam Kim addresses the challenges of new evangelization in the multicultural communities of the Church. Kim answers questions regarding how Catholics can fulfill their evangelical mission and looks at the special roles of religious sisters and lay Catholics, particularly women, in the Church. He also examines new procedures for forming future priests and the obligations of priests serving outside their homelands. Multicultural...
Multicultural Theology and New Evangelization sheds light on the central role of multiculturalism in the Catholic Church of the third millennium. In t...